Why Granite Shouldn’t Be Cleaned with Vinegar

How to Get Rid of Granite Countertops Stains

Granite is one of the most coveted materials for countertops. It provides homes with a beautiful and luxurious appearance, and its durability means long-lasting use if cared for properly. Available in many different color combinations, it works well with many types of home décor. However, once it has been installed, cleaning granite countertops is often a point of concern. Many people use vinegar or vinegar-based solutions to clean granite, but this should always be avoided.

Why You Need to Clean Granite Countertops Regularly

With regular use, granite countertops can become dirty. In addition to crumbs and other physical debris on the counters, they may also be covered in bacteria and other pathogens that can make you sick. In a busy home, they may need to be cleaned on a daily basis.

Why Vinegar Is Commonly Used

Vinegar is a commonly used household cleaning agent because it is affordable and effective. While the smell leaves something to be desired, vinegar can effectively combat mold, bacteria, and other elements and can be used on glass, linoleum, tile, and other surfaces. However, it should never be used on granite.

The Dangers of Vinegar on Granite

Vinegar is very acidic, and it can easily deteriorate the sealant on granite that protects it from stains and etches. In addition, vinegar can dull the professional finish of the granite. Eventually, it can even cause etching, impacting the structural integrity and beauty of the stone. In addition to not using vinegar on your granite, you should not expose the stone to any other acidic substances because it could eventually lead to the premature need to repair or replace your countertops.

A Better Alternative to Vinegar

Granite can be expensive to install, and the last thing you want is to unintentionally damage it to the point where it must be replaced. While you want to avoid the use of vinegar and other acid-based household cleaning agents, you must find an effective cleaning product that will clean and sanitize the surface without damaging it. If you’re looking for an exceptional stone cleaner that has been specifically made for cleaning granite, invest in Granite Gold Daily Cleaner® for the best results. Sealing granite countertops is also recommended because it helps prevent etching and deterioration of the stone. You can easily perform a water test to determine if your granite needs to be sealed or resealed. In several locations on the granite’s surface, pour water about 3 inches in diameter. After letting it sit for 30 minutes, if you notice any dark marks or rings, you’ll need to reseal your stone. By taking these important steps, you are ensuring the proper care and maintenance of your granite countertops. To learn more about properly maintaining granite counters, reach out to the Stone Care Experts at Granite Gold® by calling 1-800-475-STONE.

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